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Educational Scholarship Fund


SMILE provides an educational scholarship fund for young people in the Brevard County, Florida area to continue University or Technical School Education. The fund is for young persons who suffer from economic and social hardships and have the dedication to complete their education in order to pursue their professional goals. Interested applicants can apply by contacting SMILE. We are seeking your support to provide the necessary resources for young people to complete their education. 

Educational Support 


SMILE facilitated financial support to Confident Children out of Conflict (CCC) in South Sudan ( to support young girls to continue their secondary education. CCC provides critical residential care and rehabilitation services to the most vulnerable street children and victims of gender based violence in South Sudan. SMILE provides educational support for girls in Nicaragua to ensure their positive growth and development. Most girls do not have the opportunity to complete their education. SMILE also provides support for youth to continue their secondary education in Rwanda working in collaboration with the Global Hope program.

Expressive Arts for Healing
and Empowerment 


Expressive arts is a form of therapeutic expression that uses dance, drama, music, poetry, and visual art to enhance one’s overall well-being. “It has been shown
that use of the arts can aide in emotional conflicts, self-awareness, developing social skills, managing behavior, reducing anxiety, and increasing self-esteem.” (National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations, 2010) SMILE is facilitating expressive art workshops for at-risk youth that focus on healing, empowerment
and personal transformation. SMILE has successfully conducted workshops for
young girls and hopes to expand the program to reach more youth. Expressive arts is a vital component to one’s overall psycho-social development. We hope you will be a part of making a difference in a young person's life. 


Nature Focused
Animal-Assisted Learning


​SMILE provides support to at-risk youth
to participate in the Eye of a Horse project with Dr. Sandra Wise of the Equine Education Center at Forever Florida

( Horses are incorporated into mental health treatment
for individuals and families. Equine-assisted learning offers a unique opportunity to
work on problems through activities in the arena with a horse, and learn how to apply the insights into real life. Exercises can
focus on team-building, leadership and communication skills. Equine-assisted learning has proven to be very successful
in empowering one to overcome personal obstacles and develop positive coping skills. SMILE also incorporates drumming therapy and therapeutic painting working with animals in nature.  We hope you will join us in supporting this important program.

Youth Leadership Development


Please watch this short video of the program. Click on here. 


The Brevard Youth Leadership Council is a leadership board that is organized to give “youth voice and choice” in impacting change in foster care policy and practice. The vision of the Youth Council is that all youth and young adults in the system of care will have opportunities to thrive.


The youth developed their Council after completing the 6 month leadership training Academy. The Academy prepared the youth with the leadership capacity to learn the key skills needed to be effective self-advocates as well as advocates for system change-as members of the Brevard Youth Leadership Council.


The program focuses on developing leadership, communication, critical thinking, problem solving, conflict resolution and team building skills to serve as effective leaders in their community.


It also promotes confidence building that is essential as the youth transition into adulthood and prepare for education and/or employment opportunities. 


SMILE extends sincere gratitude to Brevard Family Partnership for their partnership in the program and for financial and technical support; and making a difference in the lives of youth in Brevard county. In addition, SMILE is grateful for the support from Annie E. Casey Foundation and deeply appreciate their commitment in helping improve the lives of youth. Also SMILE extends appreciation to the Center for the Study of Social Policy Youth Thrive in providing technical guidance towards the positive development of the program.




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